人教版初中英语录音 初中英语听力mp3下载练习题 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的a、b、c三二个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相





1.when did the alarm(闹钟)ring?

a.at 5 o’clock.b.at 7 o’clock.c.at 8 o’clock.

2. what do we lean from the conversation?

a.henry doesn’t like the color.

b. someone else painted the house.

c.henry painted the house himself.

3.where is the man working?

a.in a beer shop.b. in a bus station. c. in a restaurant.

4.what does the woman mean?

a.they don’t have many tickets.

b.it is bard for them to get any tickets.

c.all the tickets are sold out.

5.how will the couple get home?

a.they will walk home.

b.they will take a taxi.

c.they will take the subway(地铁).




6.who is mr. jones going to meet?

a.the manager of the clothing factory.

b. the managing director(常务董事).

c.the secretary.

7.where is the office mr.jones would like to get to?

a.the second door on the right.

b.the first door on the left.

c.the second door on the left.


8. what will the three-week special include?

a.hotel,food and travel in japan.

b.a free round trip flight ticket.

c.flight,hotel,and two meals a day.

9,which one do you think the man choose at last?

a.the one which is$1,215.

b.the one which is$1,400.

c. not mentioned.


10.what is the woman’s favourite hobby?

a. bowling(保龄球).b. collecting coins. c. boating.

11.what countries has the woman been to?

a. canada and china.. b.mexico and america. c.japan and canada.

12,why down’t the man have a hobby?

a.because he is s too lazy.

b. because he has to work outside in the garden.

c.because his work takes up too much of his spare time.


13.what are the two speakers talking about?

a.indoor games. b.outdoor games. c. sports and games.

14.what kind of outdoor game does the man both like watching and playing?

a.tennis.b.baseball. c.basketball.

15.why does the woman prefer the outdoor games?

a.because they are exciting.

b.because they are not team games.

c.because she likes to be out in the open air.

16.what indoor game does the man never play?

a. badminton. b. ping-pong. c. cards.


17.how do nancy and harry feel without their children?

a.frightened. b. nice. c. worried.

18.what do nancy and harry do after they do the dishes?

a. watch tv. b. play cards. c. either a or b.

19. why do they drive to town sometimes?

a.to see a film. b.to take a walk. c.to visit friends.

20.how far is the state park from their house?

a.one mile.b.half a mile. c.a few miles.


how do nancy and harry feel without their children?

they feel little 17 ,but it’s 18 .

why do they drive to town sometimes?

to 19 .

how far is the state park from their house?



( )1.A. bag B. same C. jacket D. cap

( )2.A. see B. tea C. tree D. pen

( )3.A. bike B. kite C. sit D. five

( )4.A. let B. bee C. pen D. desk

( )5.A. dog B. so C. hot D. box

( )6.A. fare B. beer C. chair D. care

( )7.A. good B. boot C. food D. soon

( )8.A. park B. luck C. farm D. large

( )9.A. blue B. pupil C. use D. usually

( )10.A. clear B. early C. learn D. bear


( )1.A. I’m fine. B. Good morning! C. How do you do!

( )2.A. They are oranges. B. They are nurses. C. They are pupils.

( )3.A. Yes, she is. B. No, I am not. C. Yes, he is.

( )4.A. Good-bye! B. All right. C. Excuse me.

( )5.A. See you again. B. Hello! C. Bye-bye!

( )6.A. Good morning! B. Good afternoon! C. Good evening.

( )7.A. How do you do? B. How are you? C. Glad to see you, too.

( )8.A. Bye-bye! B. Hi! C. See you.


我相信, 同学们一定有自己最喜欢, 也最心爱的小物品吧! 我也不例外, 我最喜欢的小物品就要算是我的MP音乐播放器。

我的MP你们可别小看它哟! 它是一位只会唱歌, 不会说话的“小小歌唱家”。 它的“身子”是银白相间的, “身上”有四个白色的按键和一个电脑连线的接口, 它的.背面是装电池的。, 它的耗电量极小, 一节7号电池就能用上好几个天呢! 如果有喜欢的音乐, 可以去网上下载, 通过电脑传输到MP播放器里, 然后插上耳机, 按下播放键, 那美妙而又动听的声音便会自然而然地久久地回荡在你的耳朵里, 使你陶醉于其中。

自从二阿姨把小巧玲珑的MP播放器送给我之后, 我就对它爱不释手, 做完作业, 我就先打开它, 让这个“小小音乐家”在我耳边唱歌, 使我显得非常轻松, 因此, 我对它的保养也是非常精心的, 时不时地就拿出一块布, 擦着MP的液晶显示屏。。从二阿姨送给我当作那生日礼物到现在已有好几个月了, 可MP播放器仍然像新的一样, 机身油光发亮。 现在我外公外婆也喜欢上它了, 有时外公一边听, 一边随着音乐的节奏唱, 整个人都融合到音乐里去了。 我们一家人都非常喜欢MP播放器, 非常珍爱这个“小小音乐家”。




1.What is the relationship between the two speakers?

A.Uncle and niece.B.Aunt and nephew.


2.Why is the man calling?

A.To change his appointment.

B.To speak to Dr.Zane.

C.To see the woman.

3. Which credit card is not accepted in this restaurant?






4.Who is the woman?

A.A ticket collector.B.An exhibition visitor.

C.A street cleaner.

5.What can we know about Mr Johnson?

A.He likes to help others.

B.He is a tall young man.

C.He is a Sales Manager.




6.When is the conversation probably taking place?

A.In the morning.B.In the afternoon.

C.In the evening.

7.What does the man want to eat?

A.Bread.B.Milk.C.Fried eggs and ham.

8.What should the man like before eating?


9.What did some Africans use to think of beauty?

A.The fatter,the more beautiful.

B.The taller and stronger,the better.

C.The thinner,the prettier.

10.How was a woman treated before marrying a chief?

A.She was made up to be more beautiful.

B.She was fed as much as possible to become fat.

C.She was taken a walk with the chief.

11.What’s the probable effect of the custom on the woman?

A.She would not live long.

B.She would enjoy her beauty.

C.She would not stay with her husband.


12.What’s wrong with the two speakers?

A.They don’ t have an engine.

B.Their tank is half full.

C.Theyrun out of gas.

13.Where are they going?

A.To the seaport. B.To the railway station.

C.To the airport.

14.What should they do now?

A.Do nothing but wait. B.Find a policeman.

C.Telephone the nearest gas station.


15.What will Mary’s mother receive for her birthday?

A.A shirt.B.A skirt.C.A plate.

16.Who’ll cook the special dinner?

A.Mary. B.Mary’s friend.

C.Mary’ s mother.

17.Who will do the shopping?

A.Mary’ s father and mother.

B.Mary and her mother.

C.Mary and her father.


18. What did the speaker think had happened when she woke up?

A.Her house was on fire.

B.Some guests had arrived.

C.Her house was broken into.

19.Why was the speaker afraid to get into the living room?

A.It was too dark there.

B.There might be burglars.

C.The policemen were there.

20. What did the police find out?

A.The woman forgot to turn off the TV set.

B.Two men were trying to steal the TV set.

C.Someone had opened the door with a special key.