持之以恒作文优美句子 持之以恒作文800字 导语:只有持之以恒,我们才能有所成就。下面是小编为大家整理的持之以恒800字作文,供各位阅读和参考。 1、持之以恒 人人都会遇到困




























我卷念长思,爱迪生的精神深深地震撼了我,他为了发明电灯试验了成千上万种的材料,你说要换了我,试上个三、四种,就不错了。早就去享受美满的生活了。 “谁……谁会……?”。

算了不说了,我的心都酸了!有时我还真有点觉得爱迪生有点傻,但是傻得让人佩服,而且是佩服得五体投地。 从爱迪生这件事情,我们可以明白,坚持不懈、持之以恒这种精神在学习的道路上同样起了巨大的作用,比如,一个人,他三天打鱼,两天晒网,最终只会做事情半途而废,一事无成,但是如果一个人他对一个目标,持之以恒、坚持不懈地努力,他肯定会走到成功的道路上。我就仿佛是那第一种人,做事情三天打鱼,两天晒网。就拿这件事情来说吧!





Never give up,I believe I can do it!






























In life, there will always be many setbacks, as long as there is confidence and perseverance, will succeed.

Here, I can not help but recall the past things: Oh, and on Sunday, I learn the table tennis, this is my second day school table tennis, because I didn't sleep well yesterday, so today is very sleepy, I slowly put on clothes in the blues to the table tennis room. Just to the table tennis room, only heard the coach shouted loudly: "how come so late?" One thousand swing plate." I didn't dare to neglect it. I grabbed the racket and started waving it. I was tired when I was on the 500th board. I sat on the stool and watched the kids who were younger than me were playing. A child when playing for another child to say: "man, why didn't she swing?" "She is still bigger than us, swing is not too lost!" These words hurt my heart, I stood up, trying to learn the coach taught yesterday and then I swing, swing a minute, two minutes, three minutes, half an hour...... I waved to my satisfaction. One day, two days, three days, one month...... Finally, I learned how to rally, pull, rub...... Finally, I was qualified to go to all kinds of competitions, and I didn't envy them anymore.

We know that rain is falling down from the sky in a very fast speed, its power is certainly better than under the eaves of the raindrop is much larger, but it is not to wear the stone. Because it does not have a specific goal, can not persevere. We have to bear in mind: as long as we target specific and not of two minds, persevere and not give up halfway, it must be able to achieve the ideal of beauty.


Everyone will persist in doing one thing, some insist on learning bicycles, some insist on practicing calligraphy, others insist on playing chess...... But I insist on learning english.

In English class, others can put the words by heart, but I also don't back down. So grandma sent me to the English class. In the English class, the teacher would write the words on the blackboard, I looked at it was scared. How do you memorize so many words?! The teacher seemed to see my mind and said to me, "don't be nervous. Learn the alphabet and you will."." I came to my seat and read "A, B, C" with my classmates......" It was not difficult, and I learned it very quickly. And then I start reading words, I don't know why. Just read it well, now together, how to study is not allowed to do? I followed you to read down groan and moan. Class is over, the teacher test me, I still do not have back. I think: so difficult, or not learn it. The teacher saw my mind, said to me: "as long as the Kung Fu is deep, the iron rod into the needle.". Learning is also a kind of ah, no matter what to do, must have perseverance, must work hard."

I nodded, and I thought, "yes, if a man is not persevering, he can't do anything.". I began to study English seriously. Every morning the first thing is to put the tape back words, before going to sleep at night and read the text, write words. Day after day, month after month, I gradually became interested in English. I was afraid of reciting words in class, and my English grades were getting higher and higher.

This is what I insist on learning English, it makes me understand: nothing in the world is difficult, if you want to heart.


Everyone is eager to succeed and persevere. Struggle for success, just like toward a distant goal, the road is long and rugged, the road is all hidden dangers. The hook material induced, utilitarian drive, recreational attraction, you resist? Several years of hard years, and even life, put your head down, you bear? Some people retreat, had to give up halfway; some discouraging, had to come to naught; some people had to play fast and loose, without a single success. Only persevere in the firm pace, without hesitation, finally bathed in the glory of victory, enjoy the joy of success.

How many times of failure is due to the lack of perseverance and perseverance, and how much regret is due to the halfway waste gas. When I was a child, I was so obsessed with painting that I swam in colorful pictures all day long. However, it is because I have no that persevere and the spirit of perseverance, my eyes holding hands froze, that had brought me a colorful world of happiness, gradually away from me, leaving only regret and remorse. I'm just a loser.

But Stephen Hocking, whom I respect, is a success. Who is not moved by his deeds? Who is not for his stunning with "brief history of time: from the big bang to greatly"? What was the success of this great physicist who suffered from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and confined to a wheelchair for life? Brave and confident suggestions, while essential, but in one of the most brilliant is faith and lofty ideals, unremitting pursuit and perseverance, and persevere spirit unshakeable, high school students writing "persevere". Just because of the spirit of perseverance, he sailed to the other side of the wisdom sea, and boarded the peak of culture.

The individual's success depends on persevere spirit, success and development of the revolution and construction also depends on adhere to the spirit of never yield in spite of reverses? China revolution after 28 years of extremely hard and bitter struggle in the party under the leadership of the new democratic revolution finally achieved victory; Chinese is able to achieve today's socialist revolution and construction career victory, because we adhere to the reform and opening up and strive for results. These facts also fully prove that perseverance is the key to victory. As long as I have the spirit of perseverance, we will go to a brilliant tomorrow.

A thousand trials have been to persevere and lead us to victory; and the result of failure is bound to end in failure. Steed leap, not ten steps; ten inferior horse riding through perseverance. It is impossible for us to achieve the goal only by a slight leap in the long journey. We must persevere with the spirit of perseverance and pay the "ten driving" efforts to succeed.


Everyone has difficulties, but everyone has a different attitude when facing difficulties. Some people do not want to overcome, do not want to adhere to; some people hard, persevere. Life on the road without difficulties and obstacles, only persevere to get what we want in life.

The Xuanwu emperor year in Wudang Mountains on practice, had not because of a good grasp of their own, the heart is evil, angrily decided not to practice down. When he arrived at the foot of the mountain, he saw an old woman grinding an iron bar on a stone slab. It was very strange, and he came up and asked, "what are you doing?"" The old woman replied: "I was grinding." Xuanwu asked again, "when can the iron rod be ground into a needle?"" "Days are long, nature can become needles."." The old woman said. Xuanwu suddenly realized that he would return immediately, devote himself to practice and eventually become a great emperor.

Edison invented tens of thousands of things that are indispensable to us today. That year, when he invented the electric light, try out thousands of materials, finally found a suitable material ___ tungsten, brought the light to the people.

The Xuanwu emperor and Edison is because they understand the truth to persevere, concentrated practice and research, finally the achievements in history.

A man can only achieve something by perseverance. On the contrary, if a person is not hard, persevere, only seek comfort and enjoyment, so he won't have what as big, is likely to die.

Once the three friends went ascetic, lived a secluded life in the deep mountains and forests. Suddenly one day, suddenly died of illness, a and B are very sad. A to B said: "we have a hard time here, wearing a frock to eat wild herbs every day, for what? I decided to go back to my hometown and live a rich life in the world." So a B regardless of the discouraged, still take off the frock to go downhill. Go back after a really live a rich life, but also made official career smoothly, be promoted step by step, the harem. Once, a decree chuxun, just passing through his previous religious place, run into B. Two people greet, a see B has marble immortal, regret.

If he had listened to the second, he had been discouraged and devoted himself to practice and did not seek fame and wealth, and he would not be so upset that he could enjoy the immortal life like Otsuichi.

Dream is like a seed, only persevere, dare to struggle, to Potuerchu become a towering tree; the dream is like a stone, only unremittingly, willing to pay, can become a piece of jade; dream like a cocoon, only unremittingly, the courage to struggle to become a butterfly.

Everyone has a dream, everyone's dream is good, but because of various reasons, dare not face the difficulties, so as to give up their dreams, think that unreachable. In fact, the difficulty is like a window paper, only if you pierce it, you will find that the outside world is wonderful.

Let us bravely break through the way of life of the layers of "paper", like flying in the sky like an eagle, courage to pursue their dreams!