


Purity of language

语言的纯正Binary language

二进制语言The language barrier

语言的隔阂.Picturesque language.

生动的语言lingual diversity.

语言的多样性Outrageous language

粗暴的.语言Heroic words

夸张的语言Abusive,vulgar,or irreverent language.

亵渎的语言滥用的、粗俗的或不敬的语言Poverty of speech is the outward evidence of poverty of mind.

语言贫乏说明头脑空虚。cognate languages


n. 语言,语言文字;表达能力;术语;粗话;文风,措辞

Pilipino language

菲律宾语 natural language

自然语言(指人类语言集团的本族语,与世界语或计算机语言等人造语言相对) Has a feeling for language.

对语言有领悟力 A subfamily of the Austronesian languages that includes the languages of Melanesia.

美拉尼西亚之南岛语南岛语的一个分支,包括美拉尼西亚语Reference is a language construct designating a declared language object .



high reward


adj. 高的;海拔很高的;上层的;高尚的';十分赞同的;全盛的;有醉意的

n. 高水平,高气压,快感

adv. 在高处,音调高,(成本、价值)高

If you don't aim high you will never hit high

不立大志,难攀高峰High level management position with high technology corporation.

高新术公司的高层管理职位Mold manufacture has high risk and high affixation.

模具制造业是一个高风险与高附加值的行业。This ore assays high in gold.

这矿石经检验证明含金量高。 The design is of very high standard.


n. 报答,报酬;酬金;奖赏

v. 报答;酬谢;奖励

a just punishment(reward)

应得的惩罚(报酬) Virtue is its own reward

施恩莫望报Love is the reward of love

爱别人才会被人爱Poverty is the reward of idleness

贫穷是游手好闲的报应legal deeds are rewarded By happiness.




die in an accident

be murdered


Never boggle at a difficulty

决不遇难而退。Many people are superstitious about death at sea.

许多人对在海上遇难存有迷信。Rescue teams raced to the stricken ship.

救援队竞相前往抢救遇难轮船.The life boat went out to a ship in distress.

救生船去救一艘遇难船只。A partly-submerged wreck

部分淹没的遇难船的残骸.What are the coordinates of the ship in distress ?

遇难船只的.正确位置在哪里?The ship was wrecked on the Kent coast.

该船在肯特海岸遇难.The distressed ship sent up a flare.

遇难的轮船发射了一枚信号弹。They had been wrecked(ie shipwrecked)off the coast of Africa.

他们的船在非洲沿海遇难损毁.The tide had washed up cargo from the wrecked ship.


v. 毁灭,死亡,腐烂;老化;使毁坏

The whole family perished in a shipwreck.

这一家人在一次海难中全部丧生。 The elastic in my pants has perished.

我裤子的松紧带老化了。Perishables need to be consumed as quickly as possible.


v. 死,死于;枯萎,凋谢;渴望;消失;熄灭

n. 骰子

The die is cast

木已成舟The die is cast.

木已成舟。To die a natural death (to die in one's bed)


n. 交通事故;意外遭遇;不测事件,意外;偶然的事

coincident accidents

同时发生的事故 The responsibility for the accident was assumed by me.

事故责任由我承担。The accident was caused by human error.






printed wallpaper


印花的式样,花纹装饰的式样Material dyed in batik way

用蜡防印花法印染的花布Small decorative sticker like a postage stamp,esp one sold in aid of charity

印花贴签(尤指出售以捐助慈善事业的)Print a flower design on cotton fabric.

在棉织品上印花卉图案。The sofa was adorned with a gay print slipcover.

沙发上罩了一个鲜艳的印花套子。 Your insurance card is insufficiently stamped.

你的保险卡未贴够印花。"chintz:a printed and glazed cotton fabric, usually of bright colors."

摩擦轧光印花棉布:一种通常为鲜亮颜色的轧光印花棉织物. A soft, lightweight, usually printed fabric made of wool, cotton, or rayon.

印花薄织物由羊毛、棉花或人造纤维做成的一种轻便柔软的.通常印花的织物It is that the Stamp Act be repealed absolutely, totally, and immediately.

印花税法必须绝对地、完全地、立即地废除。 printing是什么意思:

n. 印刷(术)

v. print的现在分词

Anastatic printing: A relief printing process used by artists to produce prints.

艺术凸版:艺术家用用板画的凸版印刷方法Their dictionary was printed last month.

他们的字典已于上个月出版发行。daily prints;rushes;dailies

工作样片 Roman print or typestyle.

罗马体字体或正体字 The printed or positive reproduction of a microphotograph.


n. 邮票;特征;印章;印花;跺脚

v. 贴邮票于;盖章于;跺(脚);标出

They are stamp collectors. They often trade stamps with each other.


A stamp or seal meant to be impressed.

图章用来盖戳的图章或印章 This machine perforates the sheets of stamps.

这台机器在这整版邮票上面穿孔。The official stamp is on the desk.

公章在书桌上。All of these stamps are from China.
