

DreamWorks presents an animated film directed by John Stevenson and Mark Osborne. Written by Jonathan Aibel and Glenn Berger. Running time: 91 minutes. Rated PG (for kung-fu violence). Opening today at local theaters.

"Kung Fu Panda" is a story that almost tells itself in its title. It is so hard to imagine a big, fuzzy panda performing martial-arts encounters that you intuit (and you will be right) that the panda stars in an against-all-odds formula, which dooms him to succeed. For the panda's target audience, children and younger teens, that will be just fine, and the film presents his adventures in wonderfully drawn Cinemascope animation. (It will also be showing in some IMAX venues.)

The film stars a panda named Po (voice of Jack Black), who is so fat he can barely get out of bed. He works for his father, Mr. Ping (James Hong) in a noodle shop, which features Ping's legendary Secret Ingredient. How Ping, apparently a stork or other billed member of the avian family, fathered a panda is a mystery, not least to Po, but then the movie is filled with a wide variety of creatures who don't much seem to notice their differences.

They live in the beautiful Valley of Peace with an ancient temple towering overhead, up zillions of steps, which the pudgy Po can barely climb. But climb them he does, dragging a noodle wagon, because all the people of the valley have gathered up there to witness the choosing of the Dragon Warrior, who will engage the dreaded Tai Lung (Ian McShane) in kung-fu combat. Five contenders have been selected, the "Furious Five": Monkey (Jackie Chan), Tigress (Angelina Jolie), Mantis (Seth Rogen), Viper (Lucy Liu) and Crane (David Cross). Tigress looks like she might be able to do some serious damage, but the others are less than impressive. Mantis in particular seems to weigh about an ounce, tops. All five have been trained (for nearly forever, I gather) by the wise Shifu, who with Dustin Hoffman's voice is one of the more dimensional characters in a story that doesn't give the others a lot of depth. Anyway, it's up to the temple master Oogway (Randall Duk Kim), an ancient turtle, to make the final selection, and he chooses -- yes, he chooses the hapless and pudgy Po.

The story then becomes essentially a series of action sequences, somewhat undermined by the fact that the combatants seem unable to be hurt, even if they fall from dizzying heights and crack stones open with their heads. There's an extended combat with Tai Lung on a disintegrating suspension bridge (haven't we seen that before?), hand-to-hand-to-tail combat with Po and Tai Lung, and upstaging everything, an energetic competition over a single dumpling.

"Kung Fu Panda" is not one of the great recent animated films. The story is way too predictable, and truth to tell, Po himself didn't overwhelm me with his charisma. But it's elegantly drawn, the action sequences are packed with energy, and it's short enough that older viewers will be forgiving. For the kids, of course, all this stuff is much of a muchness, and here they go again.




他们住在和平的美丽的山谷,一个古老的寺庙的开销,无数的步骤,矮胖的'Po几乎可以爬。但爬,拖着面条车,因为所有的山谷的人聚集在那里,见证了神龙大侠的选择,谁将可怕的大肺(伊恩·麦柯肖恩)参与功夫战斗。五竞争者被选择,“盖世五侠”:猴子(成龙),母老虎(安吉丽娜·朱莉),螳螂(塞斯·罗根),毒蛇(刘玉玲)和起重机(David交叉)。凶悍的女人看起来像她可以做一些严重损害,但其他人则低于令人印象深刻。螳螂特别是似乎重约一盎司。所有五个训练(近永远,我收集)的明智的师傅,他和达斯汀·霍夫曼的声音是一维的故事中的一个角色的不给别人很多的深度。不管怎样,由殿乌龟大师(Randall duke energy金),一个古老的海龟,做出最后的选择,他选择了——是的,他选择了倒霉的,矮胖的阿宝。





As summer movies get bigger and bigger, they often make the audience feel smaller and smaller. Kung Fu Panda is a simple and lighthearted exception. But in the movie, this panda isn’t just cuddly1; it’s an overweight dreamer.

Kung Fu Panda begins with a brilliantly colored dream. In the dream, panda Po imagines he’s part of the Furious2 Five, a group of elite3 kung fu fighters: a tiger, a mantis4, a bird, a snake and a monkey. When Po wakes up, though, he’s far from their ranks and can’t even conquer a flight of stairs. He’s the son of a noodle shop owner, a goose.“I don’t dream about noodles, Dad,” Po says. “I love kung fu.”

The Furious Five are led by the Master Shifu whose own guru, the turtle, Oogway, fears their nemesis5 Tai Lung will return and destroy their valley. All Oogway wants is peace in the valley.

To defend the valley and the Chinese town, Oogway must find the Dragon Warrior6 to fulfill an ancient prediction. As you might guess, Po is unexpectedly thrust into this role despite any evidence of talent, and the movie is essentially about whether he can live up to this destiny.

Animal heroes

The film is apparently not your typical Shrek or Toy Story copy but a real martial arts film.“Our way meant having animal characters as living embodiments7 of the original animal fighting styles of kung fu,” said director John Stevenson.“We didn’t want the kung fu in our film just to look like human beings wearing animal suits doing fighting.” Here are the moves of these animal kung fu masters and stars who gave them voices:

Po (Jack Black)

Traditional styles of kung fu aren’t a good fit for this giant panda. So, Po must embrace8 his true panda nature and use his physical attributes, including his large belly and rear end.

Jack: I liked the concept of it, you know, this innocent panda who has a dream of being a kung fu master but really is kind of a clumsy9 fool. I thought there was a lot of potential for humour in it. I didn’t really research very much. I just felt like the character was very close to me and I just had to look back to my youth, my innocent days, and I drew just from my own experience.

Tigress (Angelina Jolie)

Tigress strikes directly, using speed and power to destroy opponents’ defenses. Tigress is elegant, fighting honorably and never using her claws.

Jolie: I just look for, whether it be any project, something that I find about a character that I admire, that I like, that I think sends, you know, a good message, or something that’s got some strength to it.

So I loved that in a film like this, that I knew my children would see, that the boys would think it was really cool and love the whole movie but that also my daughters would, of course, have a good role model as a girl.

Monkey (Jackie Chan)

Monkey is the only one of the five to fight with a tool, usually a staff. Monkey confuses his enemy, striking at will10 from any position with speed, skill and passion.

Jackie: I don’t know cartoon. But when I make my action movies, just like cartoon, a lot of action, no violence, a lot of comedy, it’s clean comedy. Because I know there’re so many kids around the world. They like action movies. They like cartoons.

Viper11 Lucy Liu

Viper’s ability to change into any shape makes her nearly impossible to hit. She uses her lightning-fast reflexes to avoid blowers before she hits back.

Q: They film you when you are doing the voiceovers12. And they can take things that are characteristic of you and put them into the character. Did you see anything of Lucy in Viper?

Liu: Not really. I mean, her eyes are gigantic and, obviously she’s got a small mouth. I didn’t feel like I could see a lot of it. But I think that that’s the subtlety13 of when they do film you. There’re gestures that you’re not aware of when you’re talking, when you’re acting, when you’re doing things. You’re doing them and you do forget that the camera’s there. I think that’s what they want. They want what is natural to what you would do normally.

Shifu (Dustin Hoffman)

Shifu moves faster than any challenger. He uses the most force with the least effort. His signature move is the Wuxi finger hold, with which he can overpower an opponent with the touch of a finger.

Dustin: They put us in a room. We each have a microphone. It’s—you know, as you say, you’re isolated. And it’s a strange feeling, because acting is interacting, and here you can’t do that.

We start with nothing and then we slowly just get ideas and we let that begin to influence us. A moustache14, the way we part our hair or the way we dress—kind of the rhythm, the physical rhythm we have, and here that’s already created and now you come in and they would say to you, “We want you to fill that somehow,” and that was, I felt, challenging.

















"Kung Fu Panda 1" is a story of a mediocre PANDA through their own unremitting efforts and to master its unique guide, which eventually became popular heroes of the hard protective film. After watching this film and television, we share the following experience.

I. ideals and aspirations.

Bao adores the matchless "five heroes" and wants to see the idols in his mind. He also wants to do his best to serve and protect the public. This is Po's ideal and goal, but also ultimately through efforts to achieve results and honors. So, when do anything, will have their own ideals and goals (purpose), as sales target and operation target set, and the company's business strategy; each unit according to their mission and responsibilities, the company's business strategy set their goals, and through the implementation of the work to realize and achieve company objectives and units.

Two. Characteristics, guidance and training.

It was designated as oogway dragon warrior, and see the superb martial arts of the Furious Five, to see their own swollen body and greedy habits, he does have some despair. Not only his own despair, but also the master of Kungfu and the disappointment of the matchless five. And Po tried and tried many times and didn't achieve the expected expectation. But the kung fu master oogway point out "to believe him, only to realize the advantages of Po find and guide the training to become public heroes. Because Po's habit is gluttonous. So, a kung fu master by Po "eat" the habits of using food as an inducement in the process, to guide and to try to teach, and together with the Po Cheng Kung fu. In the work, the unit leadership can also subordinate to their respective merits and strengths, personality factors such as allocation and arrangement work, explore the staff's potential, and give guidance and timely praise, can let employees play beyond their ability to upgrade and develop the comprehensive strength and work performance of the unit.

Three. Persistence and effort.

After A Bao designated as the dragon warrior, Kung Fu have persistence and hard work, and the Furious Five did have deep remorse and review, also hope to get a makeover, a kung fu master but, because of the congenital factor's failure. It was a great blow to his confidence. However, kung fu master can timely find out the features and guidance and training, with A Bao together with A Bao's hard work and exercise, eventually become skilled in martial arts to become the dragon warrior, insist on both sides. Insist is serious, take seriously any thing, again difficult matter, meets earnestly also can untie.

Four. Success also requires kindness and conscience.

It had a body of Kungfu, encountered remnant leopard escaped from prison. Kung Fu master will be handed over to the "dragon" was the worst for Paul, can resist and prevent residual leopard. But at the end of "dragon" is the word that was mumbo-jumbo, Paul lost confidence to repel the remnant leopard. At this time, dad with no duck soup to comprehend the aspects of oogway's intentions - there is no "dragon" what was, to see martial arts masterpiece and become the dragon warrior, must pay beyond efforts to maintain and often number of times, to have confidence and kindness, to protect the public become the warrior can become admirable Kung Fu master. No quick fighting skills, no shortcuts to success. And the remnant leopard trying to get a "dragon" was to become the dragon warrior, but he has to pay, but because of the too anxious, and no kindness, no insight into the kung fu master oogway and artistic conception, finally ended in failure. Therefore, success is supported by many benign factors.

Therefore, the ideal, goal, persistence, effort, study, confidence, service, kindness and so on, can produce success again and again.


Recently, I read a classic animated film, "Kung Fu Panda", this movie is the second time I have seen, people often say: "the book to read a hundred times, its meaning from now". Sure enough, this time, it gave me a lot of new inspiration.

The hero of the story, Bao is a special martial arts, to the state of martial arts enthusiasts, in a clever opportunity, he accidentally became the Dragon warrior. Everyone laughed at him, tiger, snake, crane, monkey, mantis five heroes often take it to a joke, the raccoon master is don't love it, think it was the turtle master awarded the "Dragon Warrior" was "worthy of the name, he is not qualified to play, just an accident, so several times to catch he walked.

Of course, the panda that they can not, because he has no tiger claw, and no snake venom, nor even Mantis weapon, his kung fu policies do not deserve the dragon warrior, not confident of their own bear dragon warrior birthright, but not against and defeat the notorious dragon courage, guilty of the most heinous crimes.

Others do not trust themselves, and they do not have self-confidence, but also like martial arts, reluctant to leave the place to learn martial arts, with such a depressed mood, the panda lost to climb the mountain, eating peaches...... There, he met the master of tortoise, and changed his life from then on.

Master uguai and other people look different, he believes that the panda can learn kung fu, have the potential ability to defeat the dragon, can become a real warrior, and he saw the two biggest advantages: a panda is a strong interest in learning kung fu, two is extraordinary perseverance, so the tortoise master patiently enlighten him, saying nothing is accidental, and finally made a profound words: "yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift from God, we should cherish it like a gift".

The final result is perfect, "the interest is the best teacher", in the guidance of the teacher to teach the raccoon, learn kung fu panda defeated the mighty dragon, to protect their homes, to become worthy of the name the Dragon warrior.

Master uguai told that panda encouraging words, I think it makes sense, what do not always think of yesterday, how, what will happen tomorrow, the most important thing is to live each moment today, no matter what must have perseverance and perseverance, have confidence in yourself, do a good job. Try to complete it well.