


Family is the core of civilization.


Considerate etiquette can avoid trouble.


Rudeness is the illegitimate child of ignorance.


Forgiveness is the only civilization.


Civilization its spirit, savage its body!


Politeness is the key of human coexistence.


Patriotism is the first virtue of civilized men.


Manners make human co-existence of golden key.


Also the springs of school, the evolution of civilization.


The doctor is the essence of our civilization.


Civilization is to make cultured man.


A tiny and idler is poor, and force and waste is rich.


Civilization is to has the tutelage of people.


Everyone need to praise, you and I are no exception.


Goodwill produce happiness, civilization brings harmony.


The establishment of a civilization is not the machine but the ideas.


Good manners are made up of tiny sacrifice.


A violent means to forget their own dignity.


Politeness and the civilization is the key we coexist.


Good manners often can replace the most noble feelings.


Currently civilization or the majority of people, praised the few.


Courtesy is the second sun in our educated person.


The school is the place of learning, civilization is the parent of success.


Hand spare flower like brocade, spare grass at the foot of the carpet!


Hong award for academic and civilization, planted peach kind of lee's most affectionate.


Worth civility at no cost, but more than anything.


Aggressive, are not necessarily makes sense.


The day is not spiritual and mental civilization at night.


Only have the right to respect for others, respect.


No good leisure, is impossible to have highly civilization.


Rude people, like a house without Windows.


With the development of civilization, poetry almost potential will decline.


Etiquette and manners is a letter to the four sides of recommendation.


Can't see, not afraid of is righteous and not doing.


The real civilization is the result of all people grow happiness.


Wealth does not bring civilization, and civilization to produce wealth.


Reason is higher than the soul thought than relationship is reliable.


Let's put the dishonor as part the heaviest punishment!


In the banquet on the most let a person appetizer is the master's etiquette.


A smile is our language, civilization is our belief.


A man the most sad thing is the conscience of die out.


In interpersonal communication, the etiquette is more considerate more insurance.


There are two kinds of violence of peace, that is the law and politeness.


Language and mandarin, hand in hand with youth civilization fashion side by side.


Polite manners, mainly is the expression of the self-restraint.


Knowledge makes one become elegant, and communication makes people become perfect.


Etiquette is the smallest specification of all but the most stable specification.


A civilized society should not have such a brutal law.


Courtesy is the most easy to do, which is the most precious thing.


Human face has never looked so secular in the funeral.


第1条 He is fair in love and acting as she is a piece of infatuation.

第2条 使人变渺小的感情可耻,使人变孩子的感情可贵。

第3条 我的风度是贵族的,但我的'行为却是民主的。

第4条 My presence is noble, but my behavior is democracy.

第5条 精神象乳汁一样可以养育人,智慧便是一只乳房。

第6条 花朵预兆着果实,少女梦想着爱情。

第7条 生活中最大的幸福是坚信有人爱我们。

第8条 Books are friends, although there is no passion, but very loyal.

第9条 所有的植物都是一盏灯,而香味,就是它的光。

第10条 有许多可爱的女性,但没有完美无缺的女性。

第11条 We the people have their own idol.

第12条 The day belongs to all people, why only darkness for me?

第13条 The supreme happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved.

第14条 树干总是一成不变,树叶却时落时生。

第15条 慈悲也不过是一种比较高级的法律而已。

第16条 if you want to call the public wait patiently statement immediately begun to them.

第17条 A beggar, I don’t know where to beg for love.

第18条 真正的强者,是那种具有自制力的人。

第19条 谨慎比大胆要有力量得多。

第20条 这世上只有生物,既无所谓善,也无所谓恶。

第21条 做好人容易,做正直的人却难。

第22条 谁虚度年华,青春就要褪色,生命就要抛弃他。

第23条 Music expresses something beyond narration but have to say.

第24条 任何卓越的胜利总多少是大胆的成果。

第25条 All major events, the consequences are often hard to predict.

第26条 他入睡,我长眠,同是梦中人,正好相依相伴。

第27条 文化,不应将其提炼精制,而应使其纯化。

第28条 凡是重大的事件,其后果往往难以预料。

第29条 Each teach a child, reducing a scum.

第30条 People walk at night, eyes always staring at the lights.

第31条 Flowers bodes fruits, young girl dreams of love.

第32条 白天是属于所有人的,为什么只给我黑暗?

第33条 科学到了最后阶段,便遇上了想象。

第34条 当一个人长时间仰望天空的时候,便能看见上帝。

第35条 Make the person become small feeling shame, make the person the child’s feelings.

第36条 It’s progress, people ought to be phenomenon.

第37条 人有痛处,最好的爱护,难道不是绝不去碰它吗?

第38条 Falls in the fullest the happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved.

第39条 Nightmare is a continuation of the disappointment, his dream at night, daytime fantasies.

第40条 人生至高无上的幸福,莫过于确信自己被人所爱。

第41条 Soul when hungry, need water to quench thirst, no matter the water is poisonous.

第42条 He fall asleep, I slept, and god wants us to meet a few wrong people be, just stay together.

第43条 每教好一个孩子,就减少一个败类。

第44条 孤独可以使人能干,也可以使人笨拙。

第45条 Love is the folly, but is the wisdom of god.

第46条 有你在,就没有流亡。

第47条 一个乞丐,是不知向何处乞求爱情的。

第48条 The soul in the dark is guilty, but the real is made of sinners is dark.

第49条 This is the evening sun, we regard it as the dawn light.

第50条 When a man look up at the sky for a long time, can see god.

第51条 Not born beauty! Beauty is only the love of beauty.

第52条 Has not been heard not the silence of the reason.

第53条 Do people easily, the upright do is difficult.

第54条 Nothing more than money can corrode the heart.

第55条 人生下来不是为了拖着锁链,而是为了展开双翼。

第56条 Knowledge is the life journey of food.

第57条 世间有那么一种躲避,恰好像是为了追求。

第58条 人类有一个暴君,那就是蒙昧。

第59条 爱和曾爱过,这就够了。不必再作其他希求。

第60条 Every monument, is a novel.

第61条 只有一个办法可以拒绝明天,那便是死去。

第62条 Should believe that he is the victor of life.

第63条 Refined culture, should not be refined, and should make its purification.

第64条 Spirit like milk can nurture people, wisdom is a breast.

第65条 骄傲是所有英雄人物都能受到伤害的处所。

第66条 爱情本是人干的蠢事,却又是上帝的智慧。

第67条 Pain is always keep beside the joy.

第68条 机会是不守纪律的。

第69条 没有被听见不是沉默的理由。

第70条 The supreme happiness in life, is the conviction that we are loved.

第71条 There are so a kind of escape, just like in pursuit.

第72条 Since the night from the throne, let the light from the grave!

第73条 他是情场做戏,她却一片痴情。

第74条 People have pain, the best love, don’t never to touch it?

第75条 Loneliness can make the person capable, can also make a person clumsy.

第76条 Who to idle away one’s time, youth will fade, life will be abandoned him.

第77条 The real strong, is the kind of person who have self-control.

第78条 书籍,引领我散步在别人的灵魂中。

第79条 Caution is much more powerful than bold.

第80条 现在,我证实,发生了一次盗窃,有两名窃贼。

第81条 魂饥渴时,需要水来解渴,不管这水是不是有毒。


1、a bosorn friend after brings distant land near 海内存知己,天涯若比邻.

2、A brother may not be a friend, but a friend will always be a brother. 兄弟未必是朋友,而朋友总是兄弟。

3、A father is a treasure, a brother is a comfort, but a friend is both. 父亲是财富,兄弟是安慰,朋友兼而有之。

4、A friend exaggerates a man’s virtue, an enemy his crimes. 朋友宣扬人的'美德,敌人夸大人的罪过

5、Without confidence there is no friendship. 没有信任,就没有友谊。

6、A friend indeed is a friend in need.患难见真情和患难之交才是真正的朋友.

7、A friend is a second self. 朋友是第二个自我。

8、A friend is easier lost than found.得朋友难,失朋友易。

9、A friend is never known till a man has need.需要之时方知友。

10、A friend that you buy with presents will be bought from you.

11、A friend without faults will be found.没有十全十美的朋友。

12、A hedge between keeps friendship green.君子之交淡如水(字面:朋友之间有所界限 才能让友谊之树长青)。


1.choose an author as you choose a friend.

2.the time to read is any time:no apparatus,noappointment of time and place,is necessary.

3.read the best books first,or you may not have a chance to read at all.

4.read much,but not too many books.

5.the book-worm wraps himself up in his web of virbal generalities,and sees only the glimmering shadows of things reflected from the mind of others.

6.some resd to think,these are rare:some to write,these are common:and some read to talk,and these form the great majority.