


They saw many honest faces go by that were not intelligent enough; many that were intelligent, but not honest enough; many that were both, but the possessors were not poor enough, or, if poor enough, were not strangers. There was always a defect, until I came along; but they agreed that I filled the bill all around; so they elected me unanimously, and there I was now waiting to know why I was called in. They began to ask me questions about myself, and pretty soon they had my story. Finally they told me I would answer their purpose. I said I was sincerely glad, and asked what it was. Then one of them handed me an envelope, and said I would find the explanation inside. I was going to open it, but he said no; take it to my lodgings, and look it over carefully, and not be hasty or rash. I was puzzled, and wanted to discuss the matter a little further, but they didn’t; so I took my leave, feeling hurt and insulted to be made the butt of what was apparently some kind of a practical joke, and yet obliged to put up with it, not being in circumstances to resent affronts from rich and strong folk.


When I was twenty-seven years old, I was a mining-broker’s clerk in San Francisco, and an expert in all the details of stock traffic. I was alone in the world, and had nothing to depend upon but my wits and a clean reputation; but these were setting my feet in the road to eventual fortune, and I was content with the prospect.


My time was my own after the afternoon board, Saturdays, and I was accustomed to put it in on a little sail-boat on the bay. One day I ventured too far, and was carried out to sea. Just at nightfall, when hope was about gone, I was picked up by a small brig which was bound for London. It was a long and stormy voyage, and they made me work my passage without pay, as a common sailor. When I stepped ashore in London my clothes were ragged and shabby, and I had only a dollar in my pocket. Thismoney fed and sheltered me twenty-four hours. During the next twenty-four I went without food and shelter.


You know, I even kept my old suit of rags, and every now and then appeared in them, so as to have the old pleasure of buying trifles, and being insulted, and then shooting the scoffer dead with the million-pound bill. But I couldn’t keep that up. The illustrated papers made the outfit so familiar that when I went out in it I was at once recognized and followed by a crowd, and if I attempted a purchase the man would offer me his whole shop on credit before I could pull my note on him.


About the tenth day of my fame I went to fulfil my duty to my flag by paying my respects to the American minister. He received me with the enthusiasm proper in my case, upbraided me for being so tardy in my duty, and said that there was only one way to get his forgiveness, and that was to take the seat at his dinner-party that night made vacant by the illness of one of his guests. I said I would, and we got to talking. It turned out that he and my father had been schoolmates in boyhood, Yale students together later, and always warm friends up to my father’s death. So then he required me to put in at his house all the odd time I might have to spare, and I was very willing, of course.


“Right, it was the What Cheer; went there at two in the morning, and had a chop and coffee after a hard six-hours grind over those Extension papers, and I tried to persuade you to come to London with me, and offered to get leave of absence for you and pay all your expenses, and give you something over if I succeeded in making the sale; and you would not listen to me, said I wouldn’t succeed, and you couldn’t afford to lose the run of business and be no end of time getting the hang of things again when you got back home. And yet here you are. How odd it all is! How did you happen to come, and whatever did give you thisincredible start?”


We had a lovely time; certainly two of us had, Miss Langham and I. I was so bewitched with her that I couldn’t count my hands if they went above a double sequence; and when I struck home I never discovered it, and started up the outside row again, and would have lost the game every time, only the girl did the same, she being in just my condition, you see; and consequently neither of us ever got out, or cared to wonder why we didn’t; we only just knew we were happy, and didn’t wish to know anything else, and didn’t want to be interrupted. And I told her – I did, indeed – told her I loved her; and she – well, she blushed till her hair turned red, but she liked it; she said she did. Oh, there was never such an evening! Every time I pegged I put on a postscript; every time she pegged she acknowledged receipt of it, counting the hands the same. Why, I couldn’t even say “Two for his heels” without adding, “My, how sweet you do look!” and she would say, “Fifteen two, fifteen four, fifteen six, and a pair are eight, and eight are sixteen – do you think so?” – peeping out aslant from under her lashes, you know, so sweet and cunning. Oh, it was just too-too!





Our dreams, they feel real while we're in them, right? It's only when we wake up that we realize how things are actually strange. Let me ask you a question, you, you never really remember the beginning of a dream do you? You always wind up right in the middle of what's going on。



Never recreate places from your memory. Always imagine new places!



What's the most resilient parasite? An Idea. A single idea from the human mind can build cities. An idea can transform the world and rewrite all the rules. Which is why I have to steal it。



The moment's passed. Whatever I do I can't change this moment. I'm about to call out to them. They run away. If I'm ever going to see their faces I've gotta get back home. The real world。



You're waiting for a train, a train that will take you far away. You know where you hope this train will take you, but you can't be sure. But it doesn't matter - because we'll be together。



I can't stay with her anymore because she doesn't exist. I wish. I wish more than anything. But I can't imagine you with all your complexity, all you perfection, all your imperfection. Look at you. You are just a shade of my real wife. You're the best I can do; but I'm sorry, you are just not good enough。



Stray birds of summer come to my window to sing and fly away. And yellow leaves of autumn, which have no songs, flutter and fall there with a sign.夏天的飞鸟,飞到我的窗前唱歌,又飞去了。秋天的黄叶,它们没有什么可唱,只叹息一声,飞落在那里。

A Troupe of little vagrants of the world, leave your footprints in my words.世界上的一队小小的漂泊者呀,请留下你们的足印在我的文字里。

The mighty desert is burning for the love of a blade of grass who shakes her head and laughs and flies away.无垠的沙漠热烈追求一叶绿草的爱,她摇摇头笑着飞开了。

The world puts off its mask of vastness to its lover. It becomes small as one song, as one kiss of the eternal.世界对着它的爱人,把它浩翰的面具揭下了。它变小了,小如一首歌,小如一回永恒的接吻。

It is the tears of the earth that keep here smiles in bloom.是大地的泪点,使她的微笑保持着青春不谢。




一.man’s dearest possession is life. it is given to him but once, and he must live it so as to feel no torturing regrets for wasted years, never know the burning shame of a mean and petty past; so live that, dying, he might say: all my life, all my strength were given to the finest cause in all the world—the fight for the liberation of mankind.


二.happiness lies not in the mere possession of money, it lies in the joy of achievement, in the thrill of creative efforts, the joy and moral stimulation of work no longer must be forgotten in the mad chase of evanescent profits. these dark days, my friends, will be worth all they cost us, if they teach us that our true destiny is not to be ministered on to , but to minister to ourselves, to our fellow men.


三.i have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed-we hold theses truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal. i have a dream that one day on the red hills of georgia, sons of former slaves and sons of former slave owners will be able to sit together at the table of brotherhood. i have a dream my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. i have a dream today! when we allow freedom to ring, when we let it ring from every village and hamlet, from every state and city, we will be able to speed up that day when all of god’s children-black men and white men , jews and gentiles, catholics and protestants-will be able to join hands and to sing in the words of the old negro spiritual, “free at least ,free at last . thank god almighty, we are free at last.”


四.i have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat. we have before us an ordeal of the most grievous kind. we have before us many, many months of struggle and suffering. you ask, what is our aim? i can answer in one word, it is victory. victory at all costs—victory in spite of all terrors—victory, however long and hard the road may be, for without victory there is no survival. let that be realized, no survival for the british empire, no survival for all that british empire has stood for , no survival for the urge, the impulse of the ages, that mankind shall more forward toward his goal. i take up my task in buoyancy and hope. i feel sure that our cause will not be suffered to fail among men. i feel entitled at this juncture, at this time, to claim the aid of all and to say, “come then, let us go forward together with our united strength.”


五. my fellow americans, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country. my fellow citizens of the world, ask not what america will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of men. finally whether you are citizens of america, or citizens of the world, ask of us here, the same high standards of strength and sacrifice which we ask of you. with a good conscience of our only sure reward, with history the final judge of our deeds, let us go forth to lead the land we love, asking his blessing and his help, but knowing that here on earth, god's work must truly be our own.--by john f. kennedy


美国同胞们,不要问美国能为你们做些什么,应该问你们能为美国贡献些什么。全世界的同胞们,不要问美国将为你做些什么,应该问我们一同能为人类的自由做些什么。最后,无论你是美国公民还是其他国家的同胞,你们应该要求我们献出我们同样要求于你们的高度的力量和牺牲。无愧于心是我们惟一可靠的奖赏,历史是我们行动最终的裁判。这一切让我们大步向前,去引领我们所热爱的这片土地。我们祈求上帝的保佑和帮助,但我们很清楚,上帝在尘世的工作必定是我们自己的工作。 --[美]约翰·肯尼迪

六、let me express my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself-nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror, which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance. in every dark hour of our national life, a leadership of frankness and vigor has met with that understanding and support of the people themselves, which is essential to victory and i am convinced that you will again give that support to leadership in these critical days. in such a spirit on my part and on yours, we face our common difficulties. they concern, thank god, only material things.--by franklin d. roosevelt



七、in this symposium, better is it to only sit in silence. to express one's feelings as the end draws near is too intimate a task. that i would mention only one thought that comes to me as a listener-in: the riders in a race do not stop short when they reach the goal, there is a little finishing canter before coming to a standstill, there is time to hear the kind voice of friends, and to say to oneself, the work is done. but just as one says that, the answer comes, the race is over, but the work never is done while the power to work remains. the canter that brings you to a standstill need not be only coming to rest; it cannot be while you still live. but to live is to function, that is all there is in living. so i end with a land from a latin voice: death, death, clutches my ear, and says, live, i am coming.--by oliver wendell holmes

Life is full of confusing and disordering Particular time,a particular location,Do the arranged thing of ten million time in the brain,Step by step ,the life is hard to avoid delicacy and stiffness No enthusiasm forever,No unexpected happening of surprising and pleasing So,only silently ask myself in mind Next happiness,when will come?


Dark light,just light each other.The responsibility that you and my shoulders take together,the such as one dust covers up.Afraid only afraid the light is suddenly put out in theendless dark night and Countless loneliness


Always insisting.Use iron scoop is too cold; Use porcelain scoop is too weak; A wood scoop,engraved veins safely,engraved sky’s wasteland and glebe’s old.Just as happiness born in the years,not insolent,the every act and move blooms quietly

一直坚持着.用铁勺太冰冷;用瓷勺又太脆弱; 一只只木勺,刻出了纹理安然,刻出了天荒地老.一如岁月中隐忍着的幸福,不张狂,举手投足间悄然绽放

Then the wandering soul wild crane stands still the memory river Listen to whistle play tightly ring slowly,Water rises a ship to go medium long things of the past.Wait for a ship’s person Wait for one and other,But hesitate always should ascend which ship Missed Had to consign the hope to next time,Finally what to wait for until has no boats and ships to come and go,Sunset west .

再孤魂野鹤的伫立记忆河头,听着哨子的紧奏慢响,水涨船行中的悠悠往事.等船的人儿,等了一班又一班,却始终犹豫着该登哪一只.错过的,只好把希望寄托到了下一回,终究等到的是没有船只的过往,日落西头 .


此刻,沉默是金。要在生命即将完结之时表达个人感受并非易事。但我只是想谈谈作为一名倾听者的看法。骑士们并非一到终点就立刻止步。他们继续缓步向前,倾听朋友们的欢呼。他们虽然告诉自己行程已经结束了。正如人们所说结果出来了,比赛结束了。但只要动力仍在,人生之旅就尚未结束。终点之后的慢跑并非停止不前,因为活着便不能如此。活着就要有所作为,这才是生命的真谛。最后谨以一句古拉丁格言与各位共勉:死神不止,奋斗不止。 --[美]奥利佛·文德尔·荷默斯

八、the grandest of these ideals is an unfolding american promise that everyone belongs, that everyone deserves a chance that no insignificant person was ever born. americans are called to enact this promise in our lives and in our laws. and though our nation has sometimes halted, and sometimes delayed, we must follow no other course. through much of the last century, america's faith in freedom and democracy was a rock in a raging sea. now it is a seed upon the wind, taking root in many nations. our democratic faith is more than the creed of our country, it is the inborn hope of our humanity, an ideal we carry but do not own, a trust we bear and pass along. and even after nearly 225 years, we have a long way yet to travel. --by george w.bush




Life is full of confusing and disordering Particular time,a particular location,Do the arranged thing of ten million time in the brain,Step by step ,the life is hard to avoid delicacy and stiffness No enthusiasm forever,No unexpected happening of surprising and pleasing So,only silently ask myself in mind Next happiness,when will come?


Dark light,just light each other.The responsibility that you and my shoulders take together,the such as one dust covers up.Afraid only afraid the light is suddenly put out in theendless dark night and Countless loneliness


Always insisting.Use iron scoop is too cold; Use porcelain scoop is too weak; A wood scoop,engraved veins safely,engraved sky’s wasteland and glebe’s old.Just as happiness born in the years,not insolent,the every act and move blooms quietly

一直坚持着.用铁勺太冰冷;用瓷勺又太脆弱; 一只只木勺,刻出了纹理安然,刻出了天荒地老.一如岁月中隐忍着的幸福,不张狂,举手投足间悄然绽放

Then the wandering soul wild crane stands still the memory river Listen to whistle play tightly ring slowly,Water rises a ship to go medium long things of the past.Wait for a ship’s person Wait for one and other,But hesitate always should ascend which ship Missed Had to consign the hope to next time,Finally what to wait for until has no boats and ships to come and go,Sunset west .

再孤魂野鹤的伫立记忆河头,听着哨子的紧奏慢响,水涨船行中的悠悠往事.等船的人儿,等了一班又一班,却始终犹豫着该登哪一只.错过的,只好把希望寄托到了下一回,终究等到的是没有船只的过往,日落西头 .


























