

1, did not become friends first Buddhahood.

2, to make Ford, should not be greedy.

3, the gentleman can endure, will be a winner.

4, if you can turn things, that is the same as the same.

5, not all that is at the heart of the buddha.

6, with the recognition of the flow, no joy and no worry.

7, people have no good and evil, good and evil exist in heart.

8. The law of the Tathagata, this method is not true and empty.

9, all kinds of law students heart, heart extinguished all kinds of law.

10, compassion is the true love, eternal.

11, if you can cut it with him, it is a man of freedom in the world.

12, that is, the cause, the fruit, everything is doomed.

13, Buddha says: living not bring, bring death.

14, no thing to talk about gossip, is not often gossip.

15, dream I rock, feel empty without Daqian after.

16, Xi Sheng is not a wide, shanse clean?

17, with a selfless love, it has everything.

18, living in the applause of others is a man unable to stand the test.

19, with a ten party such as the chulishengsi, with straight heart.

20, if the Bodhisattva reaches the person without my law, the Tathagata is really a Bodhisattva.

21, Gu Deyun: not to name the world, such as Buddhism, dog one by one.

22. Among all the remaining crimes, the killing of the industry is the heaviest; among the merits, the first is released.

23, in the past, the heart can not be obtained, now the heart can not be obtained, the future heart can not be obtained.

24, said that a lie, to fabricate ten lies to make up, why bother?

25, the law is only one unbounded, now six, one fan, one in four.

26, be good, every day is a good day; in the neighborhood harmony, everywhere is the pure land.

27, the Bodhi has no tree, and the mirror is not a platform. No doubt things, where to dye the dust.

28, to know the cause of the previous life, this life is, to know the afterlife, this life is the author.

29, the various laws were born, and all the laws were destroyed. Because of the law of birth and death, the Buddha says that all is empty.

30, in the parents, less for support, gain no amount of blessing, less to do not, and not a quantity of sin.

31, more jokes, a humorous attitude, so that the day will be better.

32, you want to thank the person who tells you the shortcomings. A person who can be imagined for others will never be lonely.

33, the eyes do not always open so big, I ask you, a hundred years later, that is yours.

34, the solution one is thousand from, the fan one is ten thousand puzzled, if the person keeps one, everything is finished. It is also wonderful.

35, a discipline, is life of the arteries; let him help him, is a good interpersonal tianjin.

36, remember what should be remembered, forget what should be forgotten. Change can change, accept can not change.

37, open your heart, open your mind, will become more and more perfect, more and more open-minded.

38, a man and a snowball, more to roll more popularity; do things like Jinxiu, more fabric more achievements.

39, the usual heart is the way, but only to think about to be normal, early behaved poor also, this is the most difficult to scrape together.

40, the real love to both sides of your love I wish, there is a reason to be able to achieve, not to want.

41, when you are worried, you have to tell yourself, this is all false, what do you worry about?

42, dust and dust robbery robbery, robbery turns dust did not rest. When the thoughts are not left, they are free and detained.

43, I have done in the past all the evil deeds, is without beginning greed hatred and delusion, born from semantic, all my today is confession.

44, the Tathagata said that all laws are Buddhist laws. All law, that is, not all law, is the name of all laws.

45, Amitabha is the most convenient, no effort, no money. If a non-stop, why not to the king.

46, ask in specific, not only as a strong, dutiful, clever at the foot of fibrous roots, see.

47, don't speak with aggressive, do not have mass destruction, can not boast, young people are not evil, natural enemy.

48, the Buddha is to increase the slow people, saying that the wrath idiot is the relief of the ear. If there is no increase in the slow, the Buddha said that the prostitution of wrath and infatuated is the relief.

49, do not waste your life in a place where you will regret it. When you put it down, you have no trouble at any time.

50. Everyone has potential energy, but it is easily concealed by habits, lost by time, and worn away by inertia.