基础英语轻松学 索菲亚罗兰小传



Born Sofia Scicolone, on Sept. 20, 1934, in Rome. An illegitimate(非法的、私生的) child of Romilda Villani and Riccardo Scicolone, she grew up in dire poverty(贫穷), in the slums(贫民窟) of Pozzuoli. Her mother, a frustrated(失意的) actress, instilled starring(当明星) aspirations(热望、志向) in the skinny little Sofia.


Sofia met producer and future husband Carlo Ponti while competing in a beauty contest(选美会). Loren and Ponti, 24 years her senior, were married in 1957, following his Mexican porce from his estranged wife(已分居但尚未离婚之妻). Unfortunately the Italian law did not recognize the porce(离婚) and charged(控告) them with bigamy(重婚罪).



9月20日出生于罗马Sofia Scicolone 的Sofia,(Born Sofia Scicolone, on Sept. 20, 1934, in Rome.)是Romilda Villani和 Riccardo Scicolone的私生女,(An illegitimate child of Romilda Villani and Riccardo Scicolone)她从小在Pozzuoli的贫民窟长大。(she grew up in dire poverty, in the slums of Pozzuoli)

【基础英语轻松学 索菲亚罗兰小传】