
本课您将学到:形容词的使用顺序,give sth. a try句型

今天要来聊的`话题是运动,什么运动项目是靠踢的呢?soccer? No! The answer is shuttlecock(毽子).你会踢毽子吗?你通常都只是用脚踢吗?踢毽子除了可以锻炼身体还可以锻炼头脑,你知道吗?


If you are tired of playing the same old sports, you may want to give shuttlecock a try.


The only special equipment(装备) that shuttlecock needs is a birdie(毽子), which is hit back and forth across a net(网). Players hit the birdie with their feet, knees(膝盖), head, or upper body. The object(目的) of the game is similar to that of badminton: do not let the birdie touch the ground.


Shuttlecock not only exercises your body, but your brain as well. It has been discovered that students poor in math have improved(提高) their scores after taking up the game.



be tired of doing sth厌倦了做,如果你厌倦了现在的工作,就可以说:I am tired of doing this job.厌倦了千篇一律的古老的运动,那就换换口味,试试踢毽子吧!(give shuttlecock a try)
