
Anything that you want to have is in full bloom. Once you have it, it withers


A person is not born to be defeated. You can eliminate him as much as you can, but you can't defeat him


People should control habits, but never let them control people


Between people, the most painful thing is that you should get goodwill and friendship in the place, but suffered harassment and damage


Don't hate your enemy, it will affect your judgment


There are some happy people in the world who turn their pain into the happiness of others. They bury their hope in the world with tears, but it turns into seeds and grows flowers and balms to heal the wounds of the lonely and miserable people


I've never been that kind of person. I can't patiently pick up pieces of ground, put them together, and then say to myself, this repaired thing is exactly the same as the new one


People can never know what they want, because people can only live once, neither compare it with the previous life, nor correct it in the next life. There is no way to test which choice is good, because there is no comparison. Everything is an immediate experience, only this time, can't prepare


When you are in a man-made dilemma, don't complain, you can only learn from it in silence


All intelligent people are working towards the same goal, and all great wills follow the same principle: we should be kind, keep young, and be sincere


Are you too cowardly to show off your pain as your pride—— Count of Monte Cristo by Dumas


We're going through all the sudden things in life, unprepared, just like an actor in the first row. If the first rehearsal in life is life itself, what is the value of life


The "meaning" between men and women usually starts with "sorry" and ends with "really boring


Maybe I live in your heart, is the best place, where others can not see me, no one can despise our love


Blindness can increase your courage, because you can't see the danger


It is the human heart that releases infinite light, and it is also the human heart that creates boundless darkness. Light and darkness are intertwined and fighting. This is the world for which we are sentimentally attached and helpless


If winter comes, can spring be far behind


We really have a hard life. First, we have to bear all kinds of external pressure, but also face our own inner confusion. In the process of struggling, if someone gives you an understanding look, you will feel the warmth of life. Perhaps a brief glance is enough to make me moved


I've learned that I've found the answer to being, the answer to my disgust, the answer to my whole life. In fact, everything I understand can be summed up as the fundamental thing of absurdity


Life can't be as good as you think, but it can't be as bad as you think. I think people's vulnerability and strength are beyond my imagination. Sometimes, I may be so fragile that a word will bring tears to my face; Sometimes, I find that I have walked a long way with my teeth clenched


It's useless for a person to just sit and daydream about what he can't get—— Daniel Defoe's Robinson Crusoe


I love the land under his feet, the air above his head, everything he touches, everything he says, I love all his looks, every move, his whole person, all of him


Memory is like this, even those memories full of deep love are no exception. It seems that there is an unconscious healing process in the brain. Although we have made up our mind never to forget, it can still make the wound heal


When a person can not have, the only thing he can do is not forget


I am poor, humble, and not beautiful, but when our soul comes to God through the grave, we are all equal


Let friends underestimate your strengths and let enemies overestimate your shortcomings


Fame is frivolous, all is empty! Who of us is really happy? Who is the best? Even if I had achieved my wish, I was not satisfied with it later


The most precious thing is life. Life is only once. People should live like this: when he looks back on the past, he will not regret for his mediocrity, vanity, or guilt for being mean and vulgar


Besides your insult is the evidence that you always love me, I seem to feel that the more you torment me, the more noble I will be in your eyes when you know the truth


Joy and sorrow are always related, and they are inseparable


He did not know that dream had been left behind him, and that it was lost in the boundless chaos beyond the city, where the dark fields of the United States were stretching forward in the night


Adults are learning bad. God is testing them. You have not been tested yet. You should follow the children's ideas


The most effective way to educate someone else is to educate yourself first—— Daniel Defoe's Robinson Crusoe


In the past, it is false, memories are a road without return. All spring in the past can not be recovered. Even the most ardent and faithful love is, in the end, just a fleeting reality, only loneliness and eternity


Now is not the time to think about what is missing, think about what you can do with what you have


Blindness can increase courage because you can't see any danger—— Jonathan Swift's Gulliver's Travels


A single eyed man is more serious than a blind man, because he knows what is missing


It is the sun of dusk, but we regard it as the dawn—— Hugo Notre Dame


Life is only a series of isolated moments, relying on memories and fantasies, many meanings emerge, then disappear, disappear and then emerge


Everyone has defects, like apples that God has bitten. Some people have big defects because God likes his fragrance


When there is no love in one's heart, one can satisfy vanity, but once there is love, vanity becomes vulgar


I love the land under his feet, the air above his head, everything he has touched, every word he says, I love all his looks, every movement, and his whole person, all of him


I never loved the world, it was the same for me


The past has passed, the dead are dead, and the living still have to live


Happiness is that a pair of shoes are not suitable for only one person to know


In my life, he is my strongest missing. If everything else is destroyed and he stays, I can live on; If everything else remained and he was destroyed, the world would be a strange place to me. I won't be like a part of it


If all people are careful when they get married, the population of the world will be greatly reduced


Life has no obligation to meet our expectations. We should accept the reality and be grateful that the situation is not worse


Waiting is also a kind of faith, the love of the sea is too deep, time is too shallow


We tend to walk in the eternal journey of life, running in the bumpy, Nirvana in the frustration, sadness wrapped around the whole body, pain floating on the ground. We are tired, but can not stop; We are suffering, but we can't avoid it


When a person can not have, the only thing he can do is not forget


The world's broadest is the ocean, wider than the ocean is the sky, wider than the sky is the human heart


The human heart can only hold a certain degree of despair. The sponge has absorbed enough water. Even if the sea flows over it, it can't add a drop of water to it


From now on, I began to choose my life carefully, I no longer easily lost myself in all kinds of temptations. I have heard the call from afar in my heart. I don't need to look back and care about all kinds of right and wrong and comments behind me. I have no time to think about the past, I want to move forward


As long as a person can forget himself and love others, he will not be out of balance psychologically. He is a happy person and a perfect person


People live for hope, because with hope, people have the courage to live


Appearance is often completely inconsistent with the thing itself, the world is easy to be deceived by the surface decoration


All great novels will eventually point in one direction, nothingness. All life, there is a common result, broken dreams, death


For those who have faith, death is the gate of eternal life


People often regard the satisfaction of desire as happiness


I've lived 72 years, and it's still like yesterday: the Linyin road in the residential area, the white residential area, the golden street beside the road, and there are no pedestrians during the rest time


Go your way, don't blame others if you fall down


There are two things in the world that cannot be viewed directly, one is the sun, the other is the people


Every day is a new day, and luck is good, but I'd rather be able to be in the same position. So when luck comes, you're ready


In the past, it is false, memories are a road without return. All spring in the past can not be recovered. Even the most ardent and faithful love is, in the end, just a fleeting reality, only loneliness and eternity


We're going through all the sudden things in life, unprepared, just like an actor in the first row. If the first rehearsal in life is life itself, what is the value of life


The world doesn't care about your self-esteem, people see only your achievements. Don't overemphasize self-esteem until you have achieved nothing


All the beauty and beauty can not match time, and will not return—— Fitzgerald's the Great Gatsby


We must see the worse environment with our own eyes, otherwise we can not understand the benefits of the original environment; We must go to the point of poverty, or we will not cherish what I have enjoyed


When you try to accomplish something, you will no longer be another opponent, or more precisely, and others will no longer be your opponent. No matter who is, if you make this determination, he will immediately feel that there is an infinite power added, and his vision will be broadened


World travel is not as beautiful as it looks, but after you come back from all the heat and distress, you forget the suffering you suffered, and remember the incredible scenery you have seen, and it is beautiful


Do you think I have no feelings when I am poor and plain? I swear to you that if God gives me wealth and beauty, I will make you unable to leave me, just as I can't leave you now. Although God did not, we are still equal mentally


When the years pass, all things disappear, only the smell of the air still love, let the past experience


Successful liars don't have to live on lying anymore, because the cheated have become his advocate, and I'm in vain to say anything else


Life always makes us bruised, but later, those injured places will become our strongest place


No longer will there be such a moon night, through the dark ash forest with the blurred light, will be quiet glow pour, light, vaguely, shine my lover's beauty