


Meet you by chance, like you is natural, love you is determined, get you ishappy, with your life is inevitable.


Listen to the spring talk about you, I can't help being fascinated, everymoment has the vitality of life, every minute has the power of beauty, everysecond has the charm of your blooming in my heart, feeling long and strong.


The road of life is very long. Let me go with you. I would like to build asky of our own with you.


The moon is hazy, hanging in such a dark blue sky; you are hazy, somewhere inthis city that I can't see; and I, in such a clear moment, yearn for gentlenessso clearly!


Snow outside the window, I suspect it's your step, shyly raised his head, thewindow is still, the breeze, snow, and floating to the depths of memory, so Itell you, I really miss you!


How much I should love you, so that I think of you every minute andsecond.


I would like to become a blind man, I don't want to see anything, but justwant to see you, my eyes as long as you can see enough.


You are the wind, I am the sand. You take a cup of tea and I pour it. You napand I make the bed. You give birth to children and I watch children.


From the seaside, you are used to the appearance of the sea. You have seenthe surging hearts when the tide is surging. You have also seen a beach afterthe ebb.


As long as you see your smile, the world is not so bad.


I miss you not because I am lonely, but because I miss you.


Before meeting you, the world is a wasteland. After meeting you, the world isa paradise. Many years in the past are like a wisp of smoke to me. The infinitelife in the future is boundless because of you.


Love a person is when dialing a phone, suddenly don't know what to say,originally just want to listen to the familiar voice, originally really want todial only a chord in my heart!


I want to hold your hand and walk along the happy road; I want to hold yourwaist and be happy and carefree from then on; I want to kiss your face, and wewill stay together forever!


Walking in the dark night, I didn't say goodbye, I'm afraid you heard mysobbing voice, didn't look back, I'm afraid you saw my tears, I heard the soundof heartbreak in the dark night.


The road of life is always full of unexpected surprises and obstacles. Youcan discard a lot of encumbrances, rumors, vanity, those who don't love you andthose you don't love and memories, but no matter when, you can't lose yourcourage.


In the sky, there are your and my favorite colors. In reality, there are yourand my most matching characters. White clouds rely on the blue sky, blue skycontains white clouds, just like you and me now, how beautiful!


As long as my heart is still there is only one place for you; as long as yourmobile phone is still there will be my infinite blessing for you, with tens ofmillions of blessings. Miss you, bless you.


I have traveled many bridges, seen many clouds, drunk many kinds of wine, butonly loved a person of the best age.


In life, the most reluctant page is always hidden the deepest.


I long for love, a person's smile is printed in the eyes of two people, atear is tasted by two. If this life predestined by fate, I would like to use aswitch of sincerity.


Silence is like the beginning, peace is like the element, time is like water,there is always no words, if you are well, it is sunny.


I love you more than myself. You are the sun in my heart. If you shine, Iwill be full of vitality.


Even if the whole world betrays you, I will stand beside you and betray thewhole world.


Today, when I saw you, I found that I had lived in vain for the first half ofmy life. Today, I feel happy and happy. I think I will continue to be happy andhappy.


I think of you when I am alone; I want to hold you when I cry; I want to rushto you when I am happy; I want to kiss you when I am excited. All in four words:I need you!


I don't think you are a qualified friend. You'd better be my wifeinstead!


I think it's a gift from heaven to see you again after I leave! I just wantto leave more of your shadow and think about a Valentine's day with you. You arethe secret in my heart.


The earth is still turning, the world is still changing, and I love youforever.


Like you may be my fault, love you I really changed a lot! Fool, I loveyou!


Thousands of miles of marriage, love in the tangle and continuous, the wholepeople read you, the whole heart put you hope, not afraid of mountains andwater, love can never change, together with honey and sweet, think you every dayand every year!


You are the only man in my prosperous life who makes me so moved. You areeverything in my long life.


Some people tell you that I love you several times, which is not necessarilytrue. Some people seem to care nothing about you, but you don't know how manytimes they have endured the impulse to contact you.


The happiness of flowers is red, the happiness of leaves is green, thehappiness of sky and sea is blue, the happiness I give you will be colorful.


Please marry me! After marrying me, I am the second happiest person in theworld, because the first happiest person in the world is you.


Seeing your smile is the happiest thing in the world, seeing your tears isthe most memorable thing in the world, seeing your anger is the mostunforgettable thing in the world, but not seeing your information is the mostpitiful thing in the world!


I'm reluctant to delete your information, your smiling face I can't forget,your truth I know, I don't want you to hear my heartbeat!


Pour out all the love for you, pour in all the love for you.


Who is missing you, who is thinking about you, who is reluctant to leave you,who can't leave you, who knows you best, who loves you the most, who is thinkingabout you the most, who is blessing you, don't think, who else besides me!


If I really say my guilt, I'm afraid that you think I have no future, but ifyou don't say it, I feel I have no future.


I love you. For me, you are the bread in the morning, the banana in theevening, the garlic of Shandong people, and the chili of Sichuan people.


I want to hold your hand and see the fragrance of the morning rose; I want tohold your hand and see the brilliance of the night meteor; I want to hold yourhand and see the beautiful blooming of the four seasons. As long as you arehere, happiness is boundless.


Beautiful face attracts me, romantic eyes tempt me, gently ask: do you knowwhat I'm thinking? Hehe, I wonder if you have fallen in love with me.


Your smile is hidden in my heart, the spring breeze blows me to move thesentiment for you, the bright moon shines on me to miss you, the pastexperiences in the dream, this life is doomed to love you, the true heart neverseparates.



Without you, the color is single. Without you, the food is tasteless. Withoutyou, I am hollow.


Until today, you are still the reason why I refuse others. In fact, I am notwaiting for you. I just can't like others.


Don't ask me how deep I love you, I really can't say, anyway, you have beenrunning in my mind, in my heart field.


Without you, the color is single, without you, the food is tasteless, withoutyou, I am hollow!


Why is secret love so good? Because secret love is never lovelorn. I'm happywhen you smile. I remember your words for many years.


Don't worry about whether he really loves you now. You have to ask yourselfwhether you will love him after you become better.


Eyes can only see your figure, ears can only hear your voice, memory is aboutyou, heart is full of your name.


I want to find a fresh-keeping box to put all the feelings you gave me. WhenI don't like you so much, I'll take it out and have a aftertaste.


There is no favorite snack, no favorite song, no favorite place to go, butyou like it very much.


You are my favorite weather, no need to forecast will also clear up,occasionally playful next rain, but also for once again the wind andsunshine.


The right person will show up one day, he will hold your hand, take youthrough the turbulent crowd, whisper I love you in your ear.


Your eyes are really good-looking, there are sun and moon, winter and summer,sunny and rainy, mountains and rivers, flowers and plants, but my eyes are morebeautiful, because there are you inside.


I miss every morning kiss, good night kiss, just like saying that I love theinnocent and gentle you in all my old days.


If you want to have a lonely Valentine's day, don't be sad! The one who canbring you happiness will soon appear around you, believe me!


Like this kind of thing, covers the mouth, also can run out from the eye. Thegreatest happiness in life is that the person you love happens to love you.


The so-called perfection is that the volume of the earphone just exceeds theexternal noise, you wake up naturally when the alarm clock rings, and the personyou love just happens to love you.


I'm not that sweet girl, but I have love in my eyes. When I look at you, Ifeel as if there are gods in my eyes.


Whether you are by my side or in the horizon, thinking of you in the cornerof the world, I feel that the whole world has become gentle and stable.


There are three important days in the world, the day when you have me, theday when "I" and "you" become "we".


Want to hold your hand, give you a big hug, walk in the streets, do not worryto go home, walk slowly and leisurely, watch the sunset together.


Sunset, is the time I miss the most, to the city you are in, said: I missyou, do not know, whether you can hear.


The foundation of being able to play happily together is that both sides havethe ability to lift the table and the cultivation of not lifting the table.Business is like this, so is marriage.


I like warm and soft things, like the gentle wind in the morning, like thestreetlights waiting for someone to return home at night, and you who areespecially beautiful when you smile.


Meeting you is the most beautiful scenery in this life. I'll lend you ajourney in my life, which is the rest of my life. There is no betrayal betweenyou and me.


Life is more than ease. Men earn money is the responsibility, women earnmoney is the value, beautiful is the advantage, live beautiful is theability!


Like the memory, you embrace my temperature. I like your thoughtful words inmy memory. Like in memory, you give me the shoulder to rely on.


The whole sky is heavy mist, when you smile and speak, the sun comes, fallson my side, and the stars fall, attached to my ears.


I have traveled many bridges in many places, seen clouds many times, drunkmany kinds of wine, but only loved a man of the right age.


I open my eyes, clear breeze and bright moon are you, flowers and trees areyou, and the vast sea, mountains and rivers are you. So I close my eyes and thestars in my dream have become you.


Like you, I want to give you the sweetest part of grapefruit, the cherry onthe cake, as long as it is a wonderful thing, I want to give you.


The night when I met you, the stars in the sky seemed to be dim for a moment,because from that moment on, you are the brightest star in my heart.


There is no equal love between men and women, always a person to love, aperson to be loved. To love is to endure pain, to be loved is to cause pain.


Like you! It's not because you look good, but because you give me a feelingthat others can't give me at a special time.


And so on, waiting for us to go through the Rush years, to survive thehardships of life. I am drunk in your arms at dusk, and be your lovely littleold lady.


You are the Tarim Basin, I am the Pacific water vapor. I have traveled allthe way to get close to you, but I can never reach your heart.


There is no lack of beauty in life. What is lacking is the eyes for findingbeauty. For example, I feel that all the scenery in this world is eclipsed afterI have met you.


The bliss of life is to be sure that someone loves you and that someone lovesyou for your status quo. To be more precise, someone loves you without askingyou how.


It's nice to hold your hand when I'm staggering! When I'm white haired, it'sgood to be able to guard my side!


It's never easy to say goodbye when you are still going on. I can bear allthe pain at the moment, just to be happy with you.


What I love is not the autumn when you are full of color and rivers. Myeyelashes are like butterflies and wings. If I gather, I will extinguish theeyes of all the swaying stars. What I love is that you have me in your eyes.


I can't see the wind, just as I can't see love. But the wind is blowing meall the time, just like your love is all around me.


All my life, I long to be collected, properly placed and carefully preserved,so as to avoid my shock, pain, exile and no branches to rely on.


You are the most right coincidence that I met in my life. You are the wholeworld that I have seen all my life. You are the most beautiful sunshine I haveever seen with a smile.


Happiness is something that can be given, pursued, abandoned, and waited for.It's up to you.


How to let you meet me, in my beautiful moment, for this, I have been infront of the Buddha for 500 years, ask him to let us get a piece of dust.


The most beautiful emotion in the world is not how good you are, but how goodyou are to me. Mutual dependence is the deepest love.


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