
Begonia fruit shakes its small round face and nods and smiles at you.


Good rain knows the season, when spring happens. With the wind into the night, moisten things silently.


The spring Jasmine in the courtyard wriggles its body, opens its long-awaited mouth and greedily sucks the rain and dew of spring.


If you plant only pine nuts and not pine trees, one day there will be no pine tree.


The wheat sprouts are pulling out, like green carpet, thick on the field.


People are busier in spring. As the saying goes: a year's plan lies in spring. You see, it's on the streets of the city.


Spring is bright, full of spring, green everywhere, tender grass like emerald general issued a pleasant luster.


In spring, the brook is making beautiful murmuring sound, as if it is singing the joy of life and the light of love.


There is a flower bed in the middle of the tree. The flowers in it are very beautiful, with different colors. They are as pink as Xia, as red as fire, and as colorful.


Kites are swinging in the air, some of them are turning over.


In the high night sky, some silver stars are flashing like they are just fished out of the water.


The long water grass fluctuates with the running water, like the wind blowing wheat waves, rippling.


It's too like a big boss's fireball. The light is burning. The road is scorched by the hot sun. Step by step, a string of white smoke comes down.


In the river, a little TAD is swimming naughtily, as if looking for its mother. It's very cute.


At night, the full moon rises, and a tranquility spreads on the earth with the silver mist like moonlight.


A group of butterflies and bees are dancing in the flowers. Bees are picking nectar and butterflies are picking pollen. They are very busy.


In the most beautiful starry night, there is no floating cloud in the sky. The dark blue sky is full of stars like diamonds.


For those who are good at reading, it is very important to never overread.


What a rush the lake is flowing! Hula is like a beautiful song.


The more books I read, the closer I am to the world, and the more bright and meaningful life becomes for me.


The tail of the little white rabbit is very short. It's like a little pile ball sticking to the bottom.


Once young, embrace the sun; once worked hard, chasing the dream; once rough, like a lost lamb.


The warm spring wind melted the snow, greened the branches, blued the sky, and made the river smile.


Spring is really a comfortable spring. The scenery in spring is so beautiful! Little bee, singing and dancing.


The child's face, like a black tiger's head, has a pair of big eyes like a bronze bell, which is very spiritual.


Ripe pomegranate, sometimes will burst open the skin, like a child opened his mouth, exposed neat teeth.


You don't have to ask for merit to do things. To have no faults is merit. People don't have to feel virtue, no resentment is virtue.


After the fireworks, the air is full of a strong taste, which proves that it has been brilliant.


The river runs through the mountains and walls, rushing down; the roaring river, like a waterfall hanging in the air, bangs for thousands of miles.


I'm constantly meeting and losing to learn how to grow. Thank you so much for having you in my growing years.


A crescent moon, like a silver sickle, stretched out from the dark peak.


The spring breeze is like a pair of smart little scissors, cutting out little tender buds on the beautiful long hair of willow trees.


In the distance, the woods are shining with green and quiet light. In the breeze, they gently shake the green leaves, like singing a beautiful song.


The sun's fiery smile made the hazy campus open its curtain.


Cowards are afraid of aloofness, wise people know how to enjoy aloofness.


I saw his white beard, as if he had just cut the leek, stuttering.


The surrounding mountains are like a colorful cloth.


A good sportsman is healthy, a good thinker is intelligent, a good helper is happy, a good reader is rich, a good tourist is happy, and a good pursuer is successful.


Books lead us into the best society and make us know the great wise men of all ages.


The white and tender silkworm girl ate mulberry leaves for a few days, slept on the silkworm bed, took off her old clothes and put on new ones.


The weeds grow all over the place. They are half a man high in the same place. The grass is withered and yellow. It is rustling with the wind.


Learning not only means accepting new knowledge, but also correcting mistakes and even understanding mistakes.


When you smile at yourself, nothing in the world can pester you; when you are sincere to yourself, no one in the world can cheat you.


Books are like food. Some only need to be tasted, some can be swallowed, and only a few need to be chewed carefully and tasted slowly.


People can not be beautiful, but to health; people can not be great, but to be happy; people can not be perfect, but to pursue.


The spring breeze blows, blows, she blows the green river north and south. Her figure is everywhere, her trace is everywhere.


In autumn, the grass is gradually yellow by the wind, and the grass becomes a golden ocean.


In February, the breeze gently blowing, drizzle from the sky.


The fighting spirit of the Red Army soldiers who did not give in to difficulties moved generations.


Books help me to stand up from a rotten mud pond. Without books, I would be stupid and drowned.