I have read a moving story.It's name is Ugly Duckling. This story was written by a swan egg shell breaking in ducks, because looks weird, allow the same disdain, after go through untold hardships, many tribulations grew into a white swan.I have learned a lot from it.



1、I am too happy to stand faint!我要幸福的昏倒了!2、May you come into a good fortune! Good luck, good health, hood cheer. I wish you a happy New Year. 祝好运、健康、佳肴伴你度过一个快乐新年。

3、 I hasten to congratulate you on the happy return of your birthday. 时值足下千秋令旦,草此聊表贺忱。

4、I n this world, only those men who really feel happy can give women happiness.在这个世界上,只有真正快乐的男人,才能带给女人真正的快乐。

5、Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.对于大多数人来说, 他们认定自己有多幸福, 就有多幸福。

6、T housand of time i have thought of you .my heart is going high into the air and flying with my blessing towards you i don't care loneliness. i am satisfied when you are happy and i am happy when i think of you!千万个思念,在空气中凝固。

扬起风吹向你,带着我的祝福,寂寞我不在乎,你快乐我就满足,想你是我的幸福!7、I know someone in the world is waiting for me, although i've no idea of who he is. but i feel happy every day for this. 我知道这世上有人在等我,尽管我不知道我在等谁。


8、H appy are the families where the government of parents is the reign of affection, and of the children the submission to love.幸福的家庭,父母靠慈爱当家,孩子也是出于对父母的爱而顺从大人。

9、W ith the friends there are always laughs and shared happy moments, the friends are like the small drops of water of the morning dew, where the heart is it and freshens up.总是能与朋友一齐笑和分享快乐时光的朋友,就像心里面一小滴清晨的露水,可以使人精神饱满。

10、I will make you happy when you are depressed. i will make you delighted when you are in great sorrow!在你抑郁的时候, 就是你的开心果。

在你忧伤的时候, 愿作你的忘忧树!11、Thank you for your helping my dreams,my life,my future ,Happy Birthday,sir!12、L ife to learn to enjoy: enjoy working happy laughter, enjoy friends, enjoy the warmth of family, enjoy the joy to create, enjoy the sweet fruit. 生活中要学会享受:享受工作的欢快,享受朋友的笑声,享受家人的温馨,享受创造的快慰,享受果实的甜美。

13、I n this world, only those men who really feel happy can give women happiness.在这个世界上,只有真正快乐的男人,才能带给女人真正的快乐。

14、On the journey of life you have kindled the light of hope for me to enrich my mind, add my wisdom to thank you! Teacher, I wish you healthy forever, happy, happy!人生旅程上您为我点燃希望的光芒丰富我的心灵,增添我的智慧 谢谢您!老师,愿您永远健康、愉快、幸福!15 、H appy is the man who is living by his hobby. 醉心于某种癖好的人是幸福的。


1.It is big and very modern with a population of .2.It used to be a small town,where people made a living by fishing.3.It has developed very fast in the past years,more and more people come here to seek opportunities.4.There are many tourist attractions here,lots of people come here for holidays.5.People love this city,and they will make it a better place.


1.She had the most beautiful blue eyes I had ever seen. 她有一双我从未见过的漂亮蓝眼睛。

2. He was born a hooked nose. 他天生是鹰钩鼻。

3.When he laughs, we see his even teeth. 当他笑的时候,我们看见他有一口整齐的牙齿4.she was young,with a fair,calm face that showed a certain strength.她是一个年轻人,满脸的恬静,表现出一种与众不同的力量5.she id a girl with long straight hair 她是留着长长直发的女孩 6.The girls had blond curls. 小姑娘长着金色卷发。

7.She is a slim girl, while her boyfriend is well-built. 她很苗条,她的男朋友很魁梧。

8.Her hair is brown and curly. 她有着一头棕色而卷曲的头发。

9.She is charming when she smiles. 她笑起来的时候很可爱。

10.She has a very pleasant smile and she always has a twinkle in her eye. 她时常灿烂地微笑,闪烁着她的大眼睛11.She always dress very elegant and tidy. 她总是穿着优雅整洁。

12.Because of her fair skin and kindness, we all like her very much. 由于她皮肤白很善良,我们都很喜欢她。

13.When she smiled, she showed her white even teeth. 她微微一笑,露出了洁白整齐的牙齿。

14.There is always a smile of contentment on her face. 她脸上总是挂着心满意足的微笑。

15.While her physical beauty was astounding, it was her invisible beauty that I shall always remember.尽管她美得惊人,但我更对她的内在美记忆犹新。

16. She was burning with anger. 她怒火中烧17.Her face brightened up. 她喜形于色。

18.She really cared about other people and was an extremely talented listener. 她总是很关心身边的人,并且擅长倾听。

19.Her sense of humour could brighten you entire day and her wise words were always exactly what you needed to hear.她的幽默感总是可以使你整天都感到非常开心,而她智慧的话语更是能道破天机。

20. She was not only admired but also genuinely respected by members of both sexes. 无论男人或是女人,不仅羡慕她,而且打心里尊重她。

用英语作文 描述一个神话故事

There was a man named Kuafu who was so confident that he believed that he was able to chase the sun. But a problem raising unexpectedly while he was still running after the sun, he felt badly thirsty. As a consequence, he dried the Huanghe River and the Weihe River to ease the pain from severe thirsty. However, even those two great rivers were not enough to serve his urgent purpose. So our big hero decided to get to a great lake in the North, totally believing in his strong frame. Yet, unfortunately, he failed in the end, dying of the lethal thirsty, heroic and idealistic as well....


亚伯拉罕·林肯 ( Abraham Lincoln ) 亚伯拉罕·林肯是美国第 16 任总统,领导了拯救联邦和结束奴隶制度的伟大斗争。


林肯 1809年 2月12日黎明出生在肯塔基州哈定县霍尔以南 3 英里的小木屋里。



9 岁的时候,母亲去世,这对林肯来说是一个残酷的打击。



1830 年,林肯一家迁居伊利诺斯州,在那里他第一次发表了政治演说。

由于抨击黑奴制,提出一些有利于公众事业的建议,林肯在公众中有了影响,加上他具有杰出的人品, 1834 年他被选为州议员。


1846 年,他当选为美国众议员。

1854 年,北方各州主张废奴和限制奴隶制的资产阶级人士成立了共和党,林肯很快成为这个新党的领导者。

1858 年,他发表了著名演说《家庭纠纷》,要求限制黑人奴隶的发展,实现祖国统一。


1860 年,林肯作为共和党候选人,当选为美国第 16 任总统。




1862 年 9 月,林肯发布了著名的《解放黑奴宣言》,宣布废除奴隶制,解放黑奴。

1864 年 6 月南北战争以北方胜利而告结束,它标志着奴隶制的彻底崩溃。

由于林肯的卓越功绩, 1864 年 11 月 8 日他再次当选为美国总统。


1865 年 4 月 14 日晚 10 时 15 分,就在南方军队投降后第5天,林肯在华盛顿福特剧院遇刺。


1865 年 4 月 15 日,亚伯拉罕·林肯去世,时年 56 岁。

林肯去世后,他的遗体在 14 个城市供群众凭吊了两个多星期,后被安葬在普林斯菲尔德。

Abraham Lincoln Abraham Lincoln was the 16th President of the United States, led the rescue and put an end to the federal system in the great struggle against slavery. Although he only received a little bit in the border primary education, the public has little experience, however, his keen insight and deep awareness of the humanitarian, he became history's greatest president. Lincoln on February 12, 1809 dawn was born in Harding County, New Mexico, Kentucky, three miles south of the Hall in the bungalow. In his own words, his childhood was "a concise chronicle of poverty." When I was small, he helped the family move firewood, mentioning water, and do farm work. Nine-year-old when his mother died, Lincoln, which is a cruel blow. Fortunately, his stepmother good, and often urged him to study, study, the relationship between he and his stepmother very harmonious. Later, grew up in Lincoln began independent living, he had been farm workers, masons, and boatmen. In 1830, Lincoln moved to a Illinois, where he first made a political speech. As criticism of black slaves, some in the public cause, in public in Lincoln with, plus he has outstanding character, and in 1834 he was elected to the state. Two years later, Lincoln became a lawyer through self-study, the state legislature soon became Whig Party leaders. In 1846, he was elected to the United States House of Representatives. In 1854, the Northern states of slavery abolitionists and limitations of bourgeois who formed the Republican Party, Lincoln quickly become the new party leader. In 1858, he made a famous speech "family dispute" for black slaves limit development to achieve the reunification of the motherland. Bourgeois speech expressed the desire of the North, also reflected the will of the people, thereby Lincoln has gained tremendous popularity. In 1860, Lincoln as a Republican candidate, he was elected the 16th President of the United States. Shortly after Lincoln took office, the Southern slaveholders provoke a civil war. In this war, Lincoln shoulders the burden of heavy, the vast majority of the past President of the United States is second to none. However, by virtue of his own extraordinary perseverance and determination to fulfill their duties, even when the slander was also in the direction he has never wavered: restoration Federation, the abolition of slavery. In September 1862, Lincoln issued the famous ...

英语写一段故事描述你上周做什么?10句话 急急急

I was happy last weekend .My parents and I went to the zoo by car.We saw many animals .The pandas climbed the trees.The lions jumped.The tigers runed.The elephants walked around.The monkeys ate some bananas.They were so lovely,W e had a good time in the zoo.


At the beginning of this holiday I made a time table for myself .假期的开始我就做了一份时间表.I insist to get up at 8:00 every morning .我坚持每天8点钟起床.Morning is the best time to study , so I read English and chinese paper every morning .早上是学习的最好时间,所以我每天早上都会读英语和看语文周报.Sometimes,my mother is not at home and I try to do my lunch.My cooking is OK.有时侯,我妈妈不在家,我就试着做午饭,我的厨艺还好.After lunch I always go out with friends ,even thought it's very hot.午饭后我就会和朋友一起出去,虽然外面很热.We play basketball ,swimming,skiing and sometimes we practise street dance.我们打篮球,游泳,溜冰,有时侯还练街舞.Before the sky get dark I must go home .天黑之前我一定回家.In the evening,I play computer or see films,but I sleep before 11 o'clock .夜晚的时候,我玩电脑或看电影,但我会在11点钟之前睡觉.Even thought everyday repeat these,I am full and I'd like it.虽然每天都重复这些,但我很满足也很乐意这样.Because I have a useful and a happy holiday.因为我过了一个充实有愉...At the beginning of this holiday I made a time table for myself .假期的开始我就做了一份时间表.I insist to get up at 8:00 every morning .我坚持每天8点钟起床.Morning is the best time to study , so I read English and chinese paper every morning .早上是学习的最好时间,所以我每天早上都会读英语和看语文周报.Sometimes,my mother is not at home and I try to do my lunch.My cooking is OK.有时侯,我妈妈不在家,我就试着做午饭,我的厨艺还好.After lunch I always go out with friends ,even thought it's very hot.午饭后我就会和朋友一起出去,虽然外面很热.We play basketball ,swimming,skiing and sometimes we practise street dance.我们打篮球,游泳,溜冰,有时侯还练街舞.Before the sky get dark I must go home .天黑之前我一定回家.In the evening,I play computer or see films,but I sleep before 11 o'clock .夜晚的时候,我玩电脑或看电影,但我会在11点钟之前睡觉.Even thought everyday repeat these,I am full and I'd like it.虽然每天都重复这些,但我很满足也很乐意这样.Because I have a useful and a happy holiday.因为我过了一个充实有愉快的假日! 语法上可能错误,请谅解. ..谢谢


这项计划为来自印度及国外的研究者们提供了研究保护区内老虎的机会.\x0d乍一看这个大长句子,把它翻译成英语简直是不敢想的事.可学过几年英语的中国人都会发现,上面这个句子中的单词其实都不难,其实都是中国高中甚至初中里就学过的单词,可就是不知道该怎样把这些单词放在一起组成一个英语大句子.下面就请你跟随我做一个叫做积木式英语造句法的游戏,这个游戏做完了,以上大句子不知不觉就翻译成英语了,请相信我,跟我来吧.\x0d首先,把以下五个小零件翻译出来,这一定很简单,它们是:\x0d第一个零件:这项计划提供机会,翻成英语是\x0dThis plan provided opportunities.\x0d第二个零件:为研究者,翻成英语是\x0dfor researchers.\x0d第三个零件:从印度和外国来的,翻成英语是\x0dfrom India and abroad.\x0d第四个零件:研究老虎,翻成英语是\x0dto study tigers.\x0d第五个零件:在保护区里,翻成英语是\x0din the reserves.\x0d把以上五个零件翻译成英语绝对简单得一塌糊涂,但你是否相信,前面那个大句子就是由这五个小零件连接起来组成的.如果把前面那个大句子比喻成一个十分复杂的房子,这五个零件就是组成这个大房子的最简单零件,如门、窗、地板、天棚等,它们是组成英语句子的标准件.不知道房子的标准件,要想盖一个房子便无从下手,而如果不知道英语句子的标准件,面对一个句子也无从下手.反之,如果知道了门、窗、地板、天棚等房子的标准件,盖什么房子就都不难,拿来标准件组合就是了;同样,如果知道了英语句子的标准件,就造什么句子都不难了,拿来一个大句子,把它拆成几个简单的标准件,把标准件翻译出来之后再连接起来,瞬间就组合出了英语的大句子.不信的话,就请你把上面的5个零件顺序连接起来,看看会是什么,那就是:\x0dThis plant provided opportunities\x0dfor researchersfromIndiaand abroadto study tigers\x0din the reserves.\x0d这就是本文开头那个吓人的大句子,简单而容易地造出来了.如果你到现在还没明白这个游戏,我就把上面这个句子分成5行再写一遍,看你清楚不清楚:\x0dThis plant provided opportunities\x0dfor researchersfromIndiaand abroadto study tigers\x0din the reserves.\x0d各位看官看明白了吧,我今天要透露给你的造句诀窍,就是英语造句的造句零件,用造句零件来思考英语造句,就会化整为零,化复杂为简单,再难的英语句子也成了纸老虎,\x0d以上这种把复杂句子拆成标准件,又把标准件一个一个连起来的造句方法就叫积木式英语造句法,它的过程就像搭积木一样,既简单又好玩,不知不觉就搞出个大句子.有位看官说了,用句子零件来造句的方法是好,可是句子零件有多少,我们怎么来认识它们呢?这回你可问对人了,听我下面回答你:英语句子的造句零件一共有18个,个个好学又简单,小学生绝对可以学会,比如上面的5个零件吧,其实仅是最简单的3个零件,第一行零件叫主谓宾零件,第二、三、五行都是介词短语零件,第四行零件叫to v零件(注意呦,它可不叫不定式,不定式是一个历史性的翻译错误).这几个零件可简单得不能再简单了吧,谁要敢说学不会都不好意思给别人打招呼了.\x0d有位看官问了,英语造句不是要学会用英语来造句吗,怎么用汉语句子来翻译成英语句子呢?这点你还真别不服,只要你的汉语讲得呱呱叫,你的英语造句还真就得从汉语翻译开始,翻着翻着就熟练了,逐渐就可以直接用英语造句了,英语造句不就自然成了吗?从这一点上来说,汉语是帮助你学会英语的,有汉语的帮助,再有了句子零件的认识,你一下子就可以学会上面这么复杂的英语造句,有近路干嘛不走?